List of Emotions
It has interjections expressing degrees of these emotions: Simple emotions
- discovery - confusion
- gain - loss
- surprise - no surprise - expectation
- wonder - commonplace
- happiness - unhappiness
- amusement - weariness
- completion - incompleteness
- courage - timidity - cowardice
- pity - cruelty
- repentance - lack of regret - innocence
- pride - modesty - shame
- closeness - detachment - distance
- complaint/pain - doing OK - pleasure
- caution - boldness - rashness
- patience - mere tolerance - anger
- relaxation - composure - stress
- fear - nervousness - security
- togetherness - privacy
- respect - disrespect
- appreciation - envy
- love - no love lost - hatred
- familiarity - mystery
- attentive - inattentive - avoiding
- alertness - exhaustion
- intent - indecision - refusal
- effort - no real effort - repose
- hope - despair
- desire - indifference - reluctance
- interest - no interest - repulsion
- Complex propositional attitudes
- permission - prohibition
- competence - incompetence
- obligation - freedom
- constraint - independence - resistance to constraint
- request - negative request
- suggestion - no suggestion - warning
- Acceptance, Agitation, Alarm, Amusement, Anger, Angst, Anticipation, Apathy,
- Apprehension, Awe
- Bitterness, Boredom
- Calmness, Comfort, Compersion, Contentment, Confidence, Courage
- Depression, Disappointment, Discontentment, Disgust, Desire, Delight
- Elation or Euphoria, Embarrassment, Ennui, Envy, Ecstasy
- Fear, Frustration
- Glee, Gladness, Gratitude, Grief, Guilt
- Hate, Happiness, Homesickness, Honor, Hope, Horror, Humility
- Joy, Jealousy
- Kindness
- Loneliness, Love, Lust, Limerence
- Modesty
- Nervousness, Negativity, Nostalgia
- Pain, Patience, Peace, Phobia, Pity, Pride
- Rage, Remorse
- Sadness, Schadenfreude, Self-pity, Shame, Shyness, Sorrow, Shock, Surprise,
- Suspense
- Terror
- Unhappiness
- Worry
- Intensity of emotions
- sympathy and love
- disgust and hate
- anger and rage
- sadness and despair
- worry, fear, paranoia and terror
- happiness and elation
- distaste and disgust
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